Operators Revisited

1. What would be the value of following expressions.

1. 6 * 9 + 2

Ans: Using precedence table, we know order of evaluation would be (6 * 9) + 2 which evaluates to 56.


2. 4 + sizeof(int) * 5

Ans: Assuming sizeof int is 4, this is 4 + 4 * 5. Again using precedence table we determine order of evaluation as 4 + (4 * 5) which evaluates to 24.


3. val = a+b>a+c: sizeof(long double)/4+5? sizeof(long double)*4+5 //Assume a=3, b=5, c=1

Ans: Syntax error. Ternary operator is ? : and not : ?


2. What is the value of following expression.

1. 4*3/5+9

Ans: From precedence table we know that * and / have same precedence which is higher than +. So expression boils down to (4*3/5)+9. * and / have left to right associativity, hence right interpretation is


= (12/5) + 9

= 2 + 9

= 11


2. sizeof(int)+sizeof(float)*5.0/2

Ans: Assuming int and float are 4 bytes each, we get

4 + 4 * 5.0 /2

Using precedence and associativity, this expression is interpreted as

4 + ((4 * 5.0)/2)

= 4 + (20.0/2)

= 4 + 10.0

= 14.0


3. (float)100/12/4

Ans: From operator precedence we see that typecast is higher precendence than division. Also division operator has left to right associativity. Hence right interpretation for this expression is


= (100.0/12)/4

= 8.333333 / 4

= 2.083333



3. What are the values of a, b, and c after execution of following expressions, assuming they are int with a = 5, b = 7, c = 11

1. a -= b /= c

Ans: -= and /= have same precedence and right to left associativity. Hence right interpretation of this expression is

a -= ( b /= c ).

b /= c evaluates to

b = b/c

b = 7/11

b = 0


a -= 0 evaluates to

a = a – 0

a = 5.

Hence values of a, b, and c are 5, 0, 11 respectively.


2. a – b/= c

Ans: Note that first operator is – and not -=. – has higher priority – hence it will be interpreted as (a-b) /= c which is same as (a-b) = (a-b)/c. As you can see a-b is not an lvalue, it cannot be assigned a value. This expression will result in a syntax error.


3. a –= (b+c)/a

Ans: / has higher priority than -= and hence this expression will be interpreted as

a -= ((b+c)/a)

a = a – ((b+c)/a)

a = 5 – ((7+11)/5)

a = 5 – (18/5)

a = 5 – 3

a = 2

Hence, values of a, b, c will be 2, 7, 11 respectively.


4. Write a program that reads in scores of five subjects for a student and prints their total and percentage score.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
    int subject1=0, subject2=0, subject3=0, subject4=0, subject5=0, total=0;
    float percentage=0;

    printf("Enter score of first subject [0-100]: ");
    scanf("%d", &subject1);
    printf("Enter score of second subject [0-100]: ");
    scanf("%d", &subject2);
    printf("Enter score of third subject [0-100]: ");
    scanf("%d", &subject3);
    printf("Enter score of fourth subject [0-100]: ");
    scanf("%d", &subject4);
    printf("Enter score of fifth subject [0-100]: ");
    scanf("%d", &subject5);

    if (subject1 > 100 || subject1 < 0 ||
      subject2 > 100 || subject2 < 0 ||
      subject3 > 100 || subject3 < 0 ||
      subject4 > 100 || subject4 < 0 ||
      subject5 > 100 || subject5 < 0 ) {
        printf("Invalid input\n");
    } else {
        total = subject1 + subject2 + subject3+ subject4 + subject5;
        percentage = (float)total/5;
        /* Note that %% prints % sign. "Format specifiers" are interpreted by printf
         * and not by C compiler. \ is escape character for entire "format string"
         * which is processed by C compiler. Hence \ does not escape %.
         * % is printf escape character */
        printf("Total is %d\nPercentage is %.2f%% \n", total, percentage);

    return 0;


5. What are the values of a, b, and c after execution of following expressions, assuming they are int with a = 2, b = 4, c = 8

1. a -= b /= -c

Ans: -= and /= have same precedence and right to left associativity while unary – has higher precedence. Hence this statement will be intrepreted as

a -= (b /= (-c))

or a -= (b /= (-8))

or a -= (b = 4 / (-8))

or a -= (b = 0)

or a -= 0

or a = 2 – 0

a = 2

Hence, values of a, b, and c after this statement will be 2, 0, and 8 respectively.


2. a –= +(b+c)/-a

Ans: Unary + and – have highest precedence. This statement will be interpreted as

a -= ((+(b+c))/(-a))

or a -= ((+(4+8))/(-2))

or a -= (12/-2)

or a -= -6

or a = 2 – -6

or a = 8

Hence, values of a, b, and c after this statement will be 8, 4, and 8 respectively.



6. What are the values of a, b, and c after execution of following code snippets, assuming they are int with a = 2, b = 4, c = 8

1. b += (

2. a –= +(b+c)/-a

Misprint. First is incomplete while second is reprint of Q5.